Want to use a d120 for everything? You can do that!
Here's a handy chart you can use to roll a d120 as any of the standard TTRPG dice. If you want to use it as a d100 you can as well, just re-roll any rolls over 100.
d120 Lists (check out our subreddit: r/d100Lists) :
120 Single Word Personality Descriptions
120 Drunken Boasts
120 Hallucinations
120 Body Parts
120 Locations Within 150 Feet (not incl. above or below
120 Locations Within 120 Feet (incl. above)
120 Locations Within 100 Feet (incl. above & below)
120 NPC Catchphrases
120 DC Comics Films
d120 to Common TTRPG Dice
Odd Landmarks
Items in a Campsite
Jobs Posted to a Tavern Community Board
Secrets Revealed With Detect Thoughts
Random Potion Effects
Interesting Boss Mechanics